Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Fairy Ring Painting in the works!

Almost done
So I've been playing with my paints after taking the Jan Schmuckal course. I love her style, and she makes it look easy, but she's had lots of practice. This is my first one. It will be done in a few days, with final touches and refinement.

Here's how it started out.
First stain attempt
The premise of this "tonalist" style of painting is that you stain the canvas with a rich cherry-wood or mahogany colored stain made up of a selection of colors mixed with Liquin. Then you wipe out the light areas.
Same canvas, same pic, more wiping.
My picture is metamorphosing each time I work on it and I have no idea what I'm doing - just learning.

Final Stain updated
With a few changes to the background hill, I decided it was time to let it dry overnight and play with color the next day.
First attempt at color blocking
So here's what it looked like after I got half the color blocked in. I knew I still had a long way to go.

Still have no idea what I'm doing but it's fun!
And here I've loosely blocked in leaf masses, ground masses, sky masses, etc.

Starting to pull in clouds.
My photo reference didn't have any clouds that day, it was just a clump of trees, and I decided to go ahead and start using my imagination, so I started playing with sun and clouds.

Photo reference in color

Photo reference black and white
Dark, but starting to come together.
I played and played and got most of the leaf masses accounted for and some of the imaginary sun and clouds. Played with the fields and bushes a bit, and the foreground.

Here's where we are now.
Next steps are to pull out a bit more color in the clouds, a bit more around the base of the tree, and the fairy circle happening in the middle of the field at twilight between the tree and the hill. 

My style is not realistic, obviously, I am staying true to the world of my fairies, but I am also working towards the glow - the beautiful light that happens as the sun sets and the fairies begin to dance. Will post the finished picture and can't wait to start another. With this first one I've learned so much!

All comments most welcome! Does it speak to you in any way?


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Fairy Cabochon Necklace is done!

Beautiful colors of the Male Fairy Cabochon
I think I'm getting even better at making these beautiful cabochon necklaces.

This male fairy jumped into my hands the other day and he called for purple! and green! and dark steely blue! I listened.

Took me about half an hour to choose the beads to go around him and I felt so delighted to see them spread across the drafting table in my studio that overlooks the backyard, the birds, and the trees. My favorite spot in which to create that lets in soft breezes and sunshine.

Detail of the image Warwick Goble painted.

This cabochon that I made is a detail of an image Warwick Goble painted for William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream - published in The Fairy Book in 1920. I created the borders using peyote stitch, which we love! One difference between my work and the work of many other beaders is that I don't rely on just glue to hold my cabs - they're sewn in and will stay put with no surprises.
Top q u a l i t y xo
The complete image (nearly).
And what's better for a woman than dreaming outside on a warm midsummer's eve, softly cradled by Earth Mother herself?
Here's a photo of the necklace all done, yay.
And this photo shows a bit of its personality. 
Male fairy asked for Earth elements in the fringe of this necklace, so we chose iridescent purply blue flower tips and soft iridescent leaves and gorgeous Czech teardrops, like dewdrops, for the fringe tips. 

It's strung on good, strong Fireline, which gives the fringe a bit of wiggle. I love it. 

Forest green for the back.

The back is finished in my favorite color, dark forest green Ultrasuede.

Necklace strap - 22 and 1/2 inches

Cabochon with fringe - 5 and 1/4 inches at longest point

Cabochon alone - 1 and 7/8 inches across (with border)

Hangs mid-chest.

Comes in a velveteen pouch for softkeeping.

Can be worn with everything, dresses, tanks, blue jeans, etc. - but wait til it's somewhat "seasoned" to wear with white or very pale colors as the dark green may rub off with moisture while it's new.

Good work, time well spent : ))

Thank you for visiting Dreamkeeper Creations! This necklace will be up in my Etsy shop for awhile, and in Green Drake Gallery for awhile after that til it finds its forever home.
