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Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay used with permission |
I picked this photo of a feather because all of us who've had beloveds pass back to our Celestial world, or what I like to call True Home, know that our beloveds bring signs to let us know they're close. They send feathers a lot, in unexpected places, birds with unusual or special behavior, coins with significant dates on them, etc. These are all wonderful signs. So Jess gave me a gift tonight, and it ain't a feather, though of course I welcome those too. I'll tell you about it. Here we go...
Earlier in the evening my husband and I spent time sitting on the porch and we talked about one of our children, Trevor, who's in the Air Force. Because of that, Rob watches the news and keeps up on what's happening politically. I can't and haven't followed the news for years and years because it's like watching a bunch of kindergartners who have a lot of work to do on refining their sharing and playing nice with others behaviors. I can do nothing about it but vote, which I do.
That political conversation led me to feeling a bit depressed and anxious about our beautiful world and all the lovely people in it.
I knew I wanted to connect with Jess, so after Rob and the pups went to bed I lit our special candle and sat with our special journal listening. As always, even going on five years into this spiritual communication, I am never sure if she will come to me. And she always does. Even if we get interrupted by my kitty Joey Max wanting his midnight snack of sweet cream in a saucer, which I stopped to give him. Jess didn't go away during that time, she just was with us.
So I wrote:
Hello my beautiful girl, I miss you a lot. Sure would enjoy a phone call with you so I thought perhaps a letter would feel good.
-Hi Momma, it's me, Jess (she drew hearts around her name). I'm proud of you Momma, as proud as a girl can be. I love you so much. You need to let yourself feel that more often.
-Thank you Sweetheart, (I wrote back). It surprises me when I find love coming to me from others, and it sure does feel good. I hope you feel tons of love and that it fills up your heart all the time.
-Oh I do! So much, Momma. It comes from everywhere, inside, outside, all around. It's the only thing there is, Momma. Even when we're on Earth it's the only thing there is, though sometimes we don't see it that way.
-Well what about starving children and sick people, and this ridiculous violence? (I asked).
-We've talked about it before Momma, that forgetting to connect that humans do. The work you're doing is great for helping them to remember to connect.
-Yes, I've experienced that (forgetting), even recently, with some people, one person, really, who was supposed to be professional, only she seemed to get very personal and defensive and I, like an idiot, went in there (into the professional relationship) with all kinds of enthusiasm, plans, excitement, dreams, and felt like she reached through my computer and slapped me, HARD.
-You can recognize her behavior for what it is, Momma, (Jess said), and you know you can't control it. You can only plant seeds that she will choose to nurture or not. It's okay to remove yourself from people like that and seek others who are not based in fear.
-Our world has so much fear and suffering Jess, (I said). Just so much. It is heartbreaking to see it, and feel helpless to alleviate it - I really feel it wasn't meant to be this way. We've always had challenges, but there have been, and are, those who haven't succumbed to the fear. They're so beautiful when they're sincere and genuine. Really beautiful.
I didn't want to write the next thought that came into my head. I swirled my pen in the air, not wanting to write, but I know that I should ALWAYS write down what she sends me, so I sighed and wrote it:
-And how do you think they get so beautiful Momma?
-I know you're looking for me to say by going through awful stuff and rising above it, then lending a hand to others, (I said).
-That's right Momma. It is where the world is in your today. Have faith that no single entity is overlooked or deserted. It is about experience. When we experience something, we build our knowing inside and we can carry that with us always if we choose to keep it active. We can also choose to shut it down, whether for our own learning/experience or in service to another or many others. Because there can be no permanent damage, there is no risk in experience. Think of world history and current happenings as a global page in the book of experience, not the whole story. The story is truly neverending. How could it ever be, with the simple existence of the concept of "and"?
This is her "zinger" and her GIFT, keep reading.
-You can put that word/concept next to anything, (she said), and continue the story, continue the experience. It is a "creation" word. What is its opposite? "OR" is not exactly the opposite of "and" because with the existence or use of the word "or," you actually bring alive the concept of "and" - the existence of more - more than one, in fact, two. And two is ALWAYS "and" - "this and that." This or that.
-I hear you giggling my sweet, I said.
-It's like that here Momma, she said. The thoughts we can have can be highly entertaining. Highly amusing.
-I'm seeing iridescent bubbles around you when you laugh, Jess, they are like delight, all around you.
-I am showing them to you Momma because it's the closest I can come to matching my feeling with something I know you love and that delights you.
(Yes, I do still love to blow those bubbles across the patio in summer and make them go way up high or down low so the pups can play with them. Children not required, lol.)
-Well it certainly is a purely delightful vision. Thank you my sweet lovely Spirit Girl.
-You are most welcome, Momma. You are my delight. Keep your heart light. All is well. Trust that.
-I love you Jess, (I said). Such an unexpected and sweet conversation. Thank you for sharing the beauties and love of your/our Celestial worlds. You've made my heart feel so much lighter even with just a little time and a simple, beautiful new thought. AND. I love it. I love you. Thank you for being close, for sharing your worlds with me.
-These worlds belong to you too Momma. (And I felt that she means that for every one of us.) Never forget that and just reach for the joy a little more often. All is well. No judgment. No fear. No resistance. Just Love.
-Thank you my Sweet, night-night, I told her.
-Night-night Momma. I am with you, she replied.
So of course, before I wrote this post I googled "the opposite of AND" and came up with 45 words or phrases and EVERY SINGLE ONE conforms to the logic she proposed. With each and every single example, the very existence of AND comes alive. That the word and has no opposite and that she called it a "creation" word is very special to my belief in the continuity of life itself.
You probably are wondering if I've totally lost my mind, and perhaps this is true. What a lovely experience that can be sometimes. It's always so simple - not complicated. This spiritual sort of teaching.
Isn't that just COOL BEANS? When you allow yourself to contemplate that little tiny simple thought of AND - I had it in context with "The whole world is going to be blown up by that dense idiot and the planet is not going to be able to recover..." And Jess took that thought and added AND, teaching me that there never is any true ending. We ALWAYS have another chapter, because we are eternal. If we screw up, there is no end to creation itself AND we can start anew. Endlessly. Hm.... Lovely.
Night-night. Kiss kiss. Sweet dreams.
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