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Original painting by Edmund Dulac |
"I miss you a lot." I wrote to Jess. "We have so many beloved ones here who are making the journey home - walking the path of sickness where their precious bodies are no longer able to stay strong. Sweet Graciela [she is struggling with bone cancer], Torey's wife's mother. [His wife,] Gaby's strong, but her heart is taking a tumble. Rob's father Bob [he's 89 and fading like a beautiful flower, no memory, won't eat, sigh...]. Rob's strong too, but so short after his sister's passing, and yours, my sweet, is hard for him. And my special colleague and friend Amy [this beautiful sparkling, ever so nearly perfect, widely respected and beloved woman is struggling with pancreatic cancer - the shock of sickness in all of our beloveds is mind-blowing because we want sickness to be selective - to bypass those who are good and sweet and loving]."
I explained to Jess how sad we feel for the family members who love these people. I didn't write down how we hope against hope along these beautiful, painful journeys that by some miracle, healing will happen so they can stay with us here on Earth so we can continue to love them as we always have.
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There are no miss-taken steps. |
"Don't be sad," she wrote. "Everything and everyone has their very own journey and as you know, there are no miss-taken steps. It all winds into the glorious tapestry that is the story of a life well lived. Celebrate. Mourn. Feel. And go on to live your very own journey. All is as it is. And all is okay."
When I told Jess how much I miss our conversations she wrote "I'm here now, Mamaaaa, and it's better this way. Trust that."
"Jess, I was mad at the gods the other day, for creating such a beautiful place - Earth, for doing this experiment with humans, for being too proud and standoffish and 'untouchable' to come and intervene. It seems too cruel to me that they could create such a magnificent playground and then watch while we trap and capture and kill and torture and do power trips that cost lives, beautiful, precious lives - what can you tell me about this?" Yes I was afraid lightning might strike me at any moment as I wrote this, but it's how I felt, so I forged ahead.
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There is always guidance available. |
"You know this Mamaaa, that each person has both spiritual and earthly guides/mentors, and they can choose to listen or not. It's not that they're removed from knowledge, it's always their choice." She's telling us that we can meditate to get in touch with our very own Celestial guides and angels, and we also have what I call "Earth angels," those people here, who love us no matter what.
Here comes a zinger.
"We, here, cannot step in and 'intervene' or meddle except in rare circumstances when we are holding the position of guardian and we know the timing is not right for an exit or a test. Those are the times we can catch a person in a fall or head off a collision or give them a warning dream, but even then they have choice. The life adventure belongs to humans."
The zinger for me there was that there are situations where intervention does happen. And there's an implication that Celestial beings have some knowledge of what our spiritual selves have chosen to experience and they're beside us as we do this.
I love the next part.
After Jess wrote that the life adventure belongs to humans she wrote, "It's like they all get in the boat together and they decide where and how to sail and what supplies to bring, knowing there may be storms - preparing for them - we don't do that for them. Humans know the world. Itself. It's other humans they don't know so well, with each one being different. And part of the adventure is to enjoy that. What would be the pleasure if every human were the same as every other? The beauty and joy is in the differences."
Well of course it makes sense that the Celestial beings wouldn't do our living for us. Simple. The answers are always so very simple but profound, to me.
I wasn't satisfied. I was still searching for understanding - especially in our political climate, and with so much of our beautiful world and its peoples in jeopardy, I had to keep asking.
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What about violence and evil? |
"That is the forgetting Mamaa," she wrote. "It is something that happens when people put their belief outside of themselves. When they give authority to those who prettily convince them they should. These people are in all levels and places of life - they have 'forgotten' the most."
"Is there some way we can help them to remember? Can we teach them somehow?" I asked.
Jess wrote "Usually they remember by experiencing. That which they deny others or withhold. Normally they do not learn by hearing about it, through words, and often their hearts can't connect through compassion, so they have to live the experience of what they're causing that is bringing harm. That is what gives rise to the idea of 'karma' though it isn't, quite, as widely perceived - karma just means what they cause, they will experience - but there are many things that happen that are not part of the seeming 'equation of opposites.'"
And the thought that was downloaded into my head/heart while writing this is very hard to capture, but it's telling me that karma isn't perceived correctly here - it isn't "an eye for an eye" and it doesn't mean that evil perpetuates evil unceasingly. There seems to be some element of free will in defusing it. I may be able to explain this better later, as we keep writing. It seems to be part of what Jess describes as stuff she can't share because we have no way of understanding it in our limited terms. One of the things I've always struggled with is the idea that karma seems to perpetuate evil, and she's trying to tell me that isn't so. I hope she'll go into more detail about it at some point.
UPDATE - I came across some wonderful information while researching in preparation for the book I am writing, Coming Alive After Death, and it explains Karma perfectly, and DOES lay rest to the worry that Karmic evil may perpetuate yet more Karmic evil on earth.
This perpetuation does NOT happen and here's why. (YAY!)
In the book Life in the World Unseen, written by Anthony Borgia, channeled by the Catholic priest Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson after his death, the afterlife is described in great detail in the span of 224 pages. Monsignor Benson realized after his transition to the Celestial worlds, that the books he had published during his Earth life were full of incorrect information, and from his Celestial position he wished to correct that. So that is how this book came about. It is wonderfully fascinating and heartwarming for all.
He explains that there is no judgment in the Celestial world except for that which we as individuals impose upon ourselves. There are "bands," or "spheres," or "levels" of existence in the spiritual worlds to which we assign ourselves as a result of how we perceive our behavior while on earth. No one judges us except ourselves. One of these levels of existence to which we can relegate ourselves is quite painful in that whatever we have perpetrated on others to cause pain, we then experience in our spiritual existence. We become the receivers of all that we have performed without conscience on earth, and we suffer the misery of it.
THIS is what I now understand removes the worry from my mind that "Karma" - the law of cause and effect, decrees that those who perform evil can only learn by experiencing it themselves - does NOT necessarily take place on Earth. When severe, it takes place in the spiritual world to which each individual retires after Earthly life.
The authors go on to say that it only takes an inkling of thought, light, wondering, reaching, to call to the spirit experiencing the most debasing levels of misery, help, so that they can learn and grow out of this miserable condition. It also describes many spirits who have no wish but to keep performing abominations and therefore keep experiencing them. Helpers are not allowed to intervene until the spirit feels the call from inside themselves for intervention and help. In essence, it is self-punishment and learning by experience.
I am so glad it does not have to happen on the Earth plane. I am so happy to have encountered information that puts the power of growth and beauty and love and harmony into the heart of each individual.
This book, Life in the World Unseen, is available free by pdf download and I will put the link here, but if it should break, just google it and you should be able to obtain a copy for free. Because it was published in the early 20th century, it is in the public domain, so freely accessible, and a more beautiful and heartwarming account of the afterlife I have yet to encounter. Should be required reading in school for everyone!
To download your free copy go to https://www.globalgreyebooks.com/content/books/ebooks/life-in-the-world-unseen.pdf
So I asked her "Does 'karma' happen during that same lifetime? Where justice comes about, or learning?"
"No," she wrote, "time is of no consequence on spiritual levels - so it can take as long or short as necessary for the being to experience what they've put out." Hm.
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Dealing with dark ones. |
"Does karma work on positive levels too?" I asked her.
I love this part. "Oh yes!" she writes. "As I understand it, and my understanding is not complete, positive karma brings many rewards, not only on physical levels of Earth plane but also in the spiritual worlds - that is how we grow and gain new options and choices. If we want fun ones, we have the choice to keep to the positive, if we want dark ones we can stay in the forgetting zone."
So I ask "But how do we protect ourselves from those who choose the dark options?"
She writes, "We are safe and loved at all times Mamaa, we are never truly in any distress. We are whole, nothing and no one can change that. Earth is a playground."
"What if we don't want any dark ones to come around us?" I asked.
And here's the scary but comforting part. I don't know if I like it. As I was writing it I didn't want to be writing it.
"They will." she wrote. Great, I thought to myself. We are vulnerable and what are we supposed to do?
Well she told me.
"We can strengthen ourselves at all times by keeping love in our hearts - before, during, and after any episode or event with dark ones. Love heals. It fills us up. If we cross over during an episode or event with dark ones, we are completely healed on this side, if we don't cross over, we can turn to love to heal us while we are there."
She writes, "Love comes from within, from our guides and mentors both spiritual and Earthly, and from friends and sometimes family. Love can also come from Earth herself and her creatures. Elements of Earth - fire, water, air, earth, spirit. Remember Mamaaa? Love heals."
I don't understand why she included the four elements plus spirit - sometimes I don't understand everything she writes. Maybe it'll become clear later.
So I wrote to her "Thank you sweet Jess - this doesn't sound like you, when we just talk, though I really appreciate your answers -"
Because she has a sort of spunky way about her and this was a bit more sort of serious.
Here's a lovely zinger.
"I can tap into a collective of information from my teachers now, Momma, and I've been working hard to learn and re-member."
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Re-membering. |
Another little zinger. Jess says that she will "seek to re-member first, next time," which I understand means that she will plan to seek connection to her resources in her next life as she grows. This implies spiritual planning before we come in, which I really like. So it seems that life is a bit of a mix of spiritual with physical and I'm learning the boundaries, which seem to flex according to various factors. Fascinating.
And as you can see if you click on the images to enlarge them and read the close of our letter, I tell her how much I love her and how proud I am of her.
A lot there to ponder. More about what she does in heaven, evidently she connects with her teachers and they somehow sort of channel info so it filters down. That's way cool. I like how things are explained. And always, always, after our letters, I like the feeling of peace that stays with me for a long time after we write.
If I were writing this myself, I would somehow make it so we are not vulnerable, so "dark ones" never come near us and never hurt us on any level. I am an idealist, and I LOVE my rose-colored glasses. However, that is not how "the adventure of life" seems to be here, but there are a few silver linings - 1) we are never alone during our trials, and 2) we cannot be harmed beyond the physical level, though that may include mental, physical, and/or emotional distress while we are here, which we can heal with love, and 3) we are advised to apply love to heal all areas of distress. So simple but also rather profound.
Thank you sweet Jess and Celestial teachers. I will ponder these things. One of the things I will ponder is how I define love. It is much, much bigger than I thought....
Update - the other thing I just realized is that she's saying "the forgetting causes the darkness," which implies that dark ones are only "human," - that they forget when they come to Earth plane. I like that one a LOT! It makes sense to me because if there's no threat to existence and no ownership in our Celestial world, there's not a darn thing to fight over. Yay!
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Original painting by Arthur Rackham |
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