Sunday, October 28, 2018

Biggest Zinger Ever from Sweet Jess

Yep! It's Shakespeare!
Some days, when your child has died, you bend over and go silently inside your head, even three years later, Oh my God...Oh my God.... And the pain just waves through you and you cry. And you've learned enough to stop for a minute and remember the love and the laughing and the good times. Yes, that helps.

So I had a few waves today and after Rob and the pups went to bed I cried, not loudly, just a little, and I tried to figure out what the trigger was. Well I'm sure the #@%&*!! Hallmark CHRISTMAS movies that they started playing even BEFORE HALLOWEEN might have something to do with it. We all know that holidays are bittersweet without our Lovies here to be able to give to and love in the physical ways we know how.

So after last night's movies, I decided not to turn on the TV tonight, and I sat in the quiet listening to the rain for a while.

And my kitty Joey came up to sit not just next to me, but upon the pillow I had on my lap, purring all over the place and being so zen. So I petted him and told him what a shiny boy he is, my baby lynx kitty. And my heart started to settle. I thought for sure Jess wouldn't be able to connect, because though I was feeling mostly "peaceful," there was much emotion still roiling around inside.

But after a while of listening to the beautiful rain outside and petting Joey I reached for our journal and got a huge surprise.

She's been studying.... Click on the images to read the letter
I never know what I'm going to get when Jess comes in - sometimes she's her very upbeat, rollicking Earth-type self, sometimes she lets her teachers' knowledge filter down, and sometimes she brings other family spirits to visit with me. Tonight she was her rollicking self, and I could feel immediately that she felt like the cat that ate the cream...she was very happy and excited to share something new with me, and boy, yes, it is very new. I had never thought of it before. Wonder if anyone else has....

She greeted me by saying "Greetings Mamaaa! How fare thee today?" and I knew something was up. Then she told me she'd been studying history, and she explained the process of studying in her Heaven by reminding me of the Scrooge scenes in the Christmas movie (no, haven't seen that one yet this year, but I'm sure it's coming...). She said, "Here we can become observers and just like in the Christmas movie about Scrooge, we can 'be' in the scene without actually affecting it."

But THEN, she went on to say, "Do you know that this is eventually one of the ways they will learn to teach history on Earth? No need to write anything down. It's all in what you call the Akashic Records! And children will be guided into meditation to experience whatever prompts their interest about historical events."


She wrote, "As you know, each one [historical event] has a million stories, a different one for each individual who lived an Earth life through it and some before and afters that felt its effects but didn't personally experience it, like children or elders!"

So of course I went "Wow Jess!" Cause what was going through my head after she said that was that I imagined what it could be like if we were all brought up with meditation. We'd be taught the process, and we could now be in a classroom studying, really studying history together this way. We could be given 20 minutes or half an hour to go to an agreed upon event, each student encouraged to explore, in meditation, whatever they were most interested in about it - could be strategy, say, if it were a battle scene, could be effects on town or family, could be politics, WHAT a lot of spherical information could be picked up. And then each student could write up or orally share their experience, and WHAT a well-rounded understanding of the event everyone could have after hearing the other students' perspectives. Can you imagine if we put aside all doubt in our ability to connect with the All That Is? Hm.... Kind of really exciting to think about.

So to get a feel for what Jess was experiencing in her learning of the Shakespeare era, I asked her about it.

How Jess perceives Shakespeare's era
"Oh I love the things they wear," she wrote, "but the living conditions were hard, especially for women of that time. They were limited as to their options - most all options."

I asked how the physical conditions were and she said, "Cold, everyone felt the cold and damp in their bones a lot, so hot food and drink was popular, plus alcohol for warmth and medicine. Bad teeth and lots of pain there, but they just pulled them, which made healing possible."

"It was smelly too," she wrote. "Much more earthy, real smells around the streets. Straw, land, fecal matter and urine, too many wandering cats. It was not as 'soft' a time as you and I know from this life."

"Why are you studying Shakespeare my darling?" I asked her.

"Because I can Momma!" she replied.

So of course I threw out the age old debate to see what she would say about it - "Well some say he was not actually one individual. Was he?"

"Well Mamaaa, he, or his writings I should say, were filtered down from one of the 'collective consciousnesses' here. There were a few individuals who could channel that wisdom and put it through their 'timeframe' Earth lens."

So I asked her, "So are you studying the stories themselves, or 'being part of that time frame' or what?"

"All of it Mamaa. I can see the writers feeling it and putting it on paper. The happenings politically around its distribution, and go into more detail about individual experiences!"

So of course, as my mind thought about this like I'm a kid in a candy store, I said, "Wow! Can you imagine what it would be like to study art that way?! I could be busy for centuries!"

And she said, "Yes! And what's happening on Earth with the technologies where artists can do videos of themselves working and teaching is 'today's' way of Earth trying to do 'as above, so below.'"

Well this concept is a ZINGER for me. Can you imagine what we could learn and do if 1) we were raised knowing we are spirits being human and we have access to the higher "worlds," 2) we were trained to trust our gifts from Heaven including intuition, meditation, and imagination, and 3) we were raised with the "we" mentality rather than the current "every man for himself" materialistic diversion?

I think most people can't even begin to imagine what society could be like if we just stopped allowing ourselves to be distracted by fear, by materialism, and by the negative, petty trips these bring about. But if we start to imagine what we could bring about if we weren't so distracted, well, of course, WORLD PEACE and NO MORE HUNGER would be on the list, because what becomes possible when we learn "spherically" is that we learn to understand things from all different points of view, and the result is compassion.

Sooner than you think, Momma.
So of course I asked her when she thought all this might come about, and she said, "Sooner than you might think Momma. Peeps are learning a lot about meditation for relaxation and healing and it will just be a small step from there to realizing its other gifts and uses."

Well of course. We look at meditation now as a very personal thing. But it also has a "community" purpose. WOW!!

So I started off a bit sad missing her, and she came and bopped me out of my misery - waaaay out! Such lovely things to ponder! Our gifts from Heaven coming out of the Woo closet and being studied and implemented in mainstream ways. Just think what we could accomplish and how MUCH fun it would be.

So wonderful sweet of Jess to have this kind of conversation with me. I know she's happy where she is and lord, she's learning so much and having a good time too. If I could study that way I surely would not be bored. And it could really keep me busy for a very long time....

So we talked a little more and signed off til next time, with so much love.

Joey Max, my sweet kitty who came to purr away my tears earlier is now asleep in playspace.

ZZZzzzzzzzz xoxo!!
And I'm feeling not only filled up with love from the "visit" with my Sparklepuff, but actually very excited about future possibilities! GIFT!

We are only just becoming....
Happy pondering! And again I'll recommend, if you don't already have the Insight Timer meditation ap on your phone, download it for free. It offers thousands of guided meditations, short, long, in-between, for all different purposes, healing, excellent sleep, starting your day, and a million other things. It's wonderful! You can meditate on your own without any input, as you probably already know, but for those starting out or even just those who enjoy a guided experience, check it out xo


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